Learn The Power Of Acupuncture

Esoteric Acupuncture supports spiritual health and wellbeing by facilitating a connection between the physical body and the higher energetic realms.
Would you like assistance in finding your purpose in life?
Would you like to expand your awareness and consciousness?
Are you interested in Sacred Geometry, Numerology, Hindu Chakra System, Kabbalah, and Traditional Chinese Medicine?
Then join me for an introduction to Esoteric Acupuncture and 3-2-1
Antahkarana Visualisation Meditation.
You will gain insight through a greater understanding of Sacred Geometry, Numerology, Hindu Chakra System, Qabbalah, Traditional Chinese Medicine with insight into how these systems are encoded in Esoteric Acupuncture.
You will be introduced to 37 points and their true meaning as well as discuss what is 3-6-1 Antahkarana and the sequences and pattern of meditation. Prior knowledge of acupuncture points is not required. You will then be guided through a 3-6-1 Antahkarana visualization and meditation.
This is a unique opportunity to gain insight into this new age healing with ageless wisdom.
“Raising one’s level of consciousness to the highest level possible is, in my opinion, the highest level of healing. It requires patience, willingness, perseverance and a burning desire to crack the esoteric secrets of the inner world.” – Dr Mikio Sankey
Access your complimentary Antahkarana: Visualisation Meditation for Your Inner Spiritual Antenna meditation NOW via button below.

LEVELS 1 & 2
Esoteric Acupuncture, Advance Energy Healing Foundation Level 1 & 2
Esoteric Acupuncture is a way of life, creating a way for you to access the spark that will ignite a fire within you. It is designed to assist you with discernment, so you are able to make wiser choices in life that will be beneficial or at least guide you on a path of least resistance.
For those whom are ready to receive the knowledge and wisdom, emanated by the vibrations of the encoded patterns, the Esoteric Acupuncture teachings will make a real difference to humanity and contribute to the evolution of consciousness on this planet, whilst offering a life changing experience for each individual.In a safe and protected environment, you will expand your knowledge and consciousness, bringing miraculous healings into your treatments and the energy healing work that you currently do. Using sacred geometry and new encoded patterns to activate, clear and realign your energy centers, connecting you to your own inner Guru, to the higher and finer frequencies of the universe, increasing your unlimited inner power, your connection to your true Spirit.
You will feel peace, serenity, expansion, connectedness to God Consciousness, feeling the every whereness and the wholeness that comes with transformational healings. Allowing access to other realms and dimensions as you find healing of self, forgiveness of self and others, freeing you to release old patterns and habits, allowing you to move forward.
As such, I am passionate about passing on Dr Mikio’s teachings.
The offer is to join us to:
Expand your awareness and consciousness.
Add valuable skills and increase the effectiveness of your treatments in your practice.
Become equipped with knowledge, that will bring immediate value to your practice.
Seek and find the one true Master, the Master within your Inner Spiritual higher Heart.
Assist humanity and Mother Gaia in the shift to a higher frequency of consciousness, that is currently being experienced globally. You will move out of fear and into love.
Clear and balance chakra systems, by strengthening the opposing energy fields of the heart and love verses the kidney and fear (Esoteric Shaoyin).
Non-acupuncturists and energy healers are welcome as Esoteric Acupuncture uses various means other than acupuncture needles, including but not limited to crystals, tuning forks, magnets and Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils.An in person three day workshop, learning some of Dr Mikio's most used patterns, including an introduction to the points used and their true meaning with their associated patterns and more.
21 CPD points are available for this course!
30th Aug - 1st Sep 2024

Esoteric Acupuncture is the Spiritual side of Acupuncture. The gateway to expanded healing and heightened consciousness for the Awakening of Humanity.
Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing is a way of life that focuses on staying centered in one’s Higher Spiritual Heart Field.
"As your inner spiritual world unfolds through dedicated inner plane work and as you're able to hold increased levels of light for longer periods of time your Antahkarana will also unfold. The Antahkarana is an ageless open system". - Dr. Mikio Sankey Ph.D., L,Ac.
Antahkarana Celestial Fullness Esoteric Acupuncture Vol Vl
An in-person three-day workshop, learning more of Dr Mikio's advanced patterns, including an introduction to the points used and their true meaning with their associated patterns.
Understanding the fundamentals of esoteric acupuncture, how energy works, how important it is to have the participation of the recipient in their healing and more!
21 CPD points are available for this course!
15th Nov - 17th Nov 2024