Initial - Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
Initial Consultation includes acupuncture
Service Description
Begin your journey to better health with Ariston Health’s initial acupuncture and herbal medicine session. Dr Billie will work with you to address your health concerns and create a customised treatment plan just for you. This holistic approach combines acupuncture and herbal medicine to help you find balance and healing.
Cancellation Policy
*Please provide 24 hrs notice if you are unable to make a scheduled appointment. Please consider the practitioner and other patients who may have been able to utilise your appointment time. Failure to give 24 hours' notice of cancellation will constitute a forfeit and you will be charged a $100 fee at your next appointment. I do appreciate that short notice is unavoidable in some circumstances and discretion will be exercised in such cases.
Contact Details
Thornton Avenue, Sunbury Victoria 3429, Australia